Weekdays or weekends?

5 reasons to enjoy a spring weekend

Weekdays or weekends?

5 reasons to enjoy a spring weekend

2023. April 25.

hétvége hosszúhétvége Balaton szállás Aranypart Camping Siófok

Relax at Aranypart Camping this spring

Camping is a fantastic experience even in the spring, so it’s little wonder the season opening is a much-anticipated event. On 1 April 2023, Aranypart Camping fills with life. It is simply impossible to say no to a break here. Siófok gets quite busy over the weekends in the spring, but the beaches of Lake Balaton are still a lot quieter on the weekdays. As the summer approaches and the weather gets warmer, the water seems increasingly attractive. Make use of this special time of year and make some summery experiences over the spring season.


Heated cabins and mobile houses Siófok Lake Balaton Aranypart Camping Siófok, Lake Balaton


Why do we recommend weekdays in the spring?


1. You can have Lake Balaton to yourself during the week

The spring season offers the unique opportunity of visiting even the most popular destinations without having to cope with crowds and queuing. The beaches of Lake Balaton are more peaceful, with nothing but the undisturbed water as far as you can see, and you can take a relaxing walk under the trees on the beach. There are no crowds, and sometimes you will positively feel like you have Lake Balaton all to yourself.

Aranypart Camping opens in the spring, but we don’t have a full house yet at this time. If you visit us during the week, you will have the whole range of leisure and comfort services at your disposal.


2. Less stress

Most people tend to schedule their holiday for the summer, so they miss out on all the benefits of taking a break in the spring. During the off-season, you can avoid the crowds both at the campsite and at the various local attractions, which makes for a more peaceful and less stressful holiday experience.

No one enjoys queuing or realising at the last minute that there are no more places on the boat they wanted to board. You can save yourself these unpleasant experiences by booking your holiday for the spring, and skipping the crowds. Nothing beats the feeling of getting in simply and quickly wherever you want to go. It’s no wonder an increasing number of people are opting for off-season holidays, so weekends in Siófok can feel rather like the busy summer season.


3. Nature is amazing

In the spring, you can enjoy the mild weather that is perfect for outdoors activities: it is not too hot, so you will feel freer and more energised, and readier to set off to explore or engage in some active relaxation. Also, the nights are cool, making it much easier to have a relaxing sleep.

Spring is the time of revival in nature. Both plants and animals get more active, the trees turn a fresh green, and colourful flowers pop up all over the place. To make the most of these amazing gifts of nature, why not go for a hike or just take long walks along the beach and drink in all you can see. You can avoid the crowds by visiting during the week, and there will be fewer people at the most popular attractions, too, which makes for a more peaceful experience, and will allow you to explore the beauty of the surrounding area at your own pace.


4. More options for less money

One of the greatest benefits of a break during the week is that there is a wider range of activities and events at your disposal than during the weekend. On weekdays, you can experience everyday life in the town, and you have a better chance of finding shops open and service available.

Weekends are very popular with people who want to visit Lake Balaton, even in the spring, so there is a good chance you can save some money by booking your holiday for the working week, compared to visiting over the weekend. Prices for some services and entry tickets are typically lower on spring weekdays, but the best thing is that even your accommodation at Aranypart Camping will cost you less.


5. Weekdays are more relaxing than the weekend

The “drab day-to-day” is a commonly used description for the longest part of the week. A quick weekend break can be refreshing, but it often feels too short, and does not reenergise you to the extent you hoped. Actually, you may be returning home from an activity-packed weekend more exhausted, and feel even more tired than you were before. What’s gone wrong?

The key is timing. You can’t have a relaxing break if you have to constantly rush from one activity to the next. You need to take the time to enjoy them properly and to be able to savour the experience. A weekend is simply too short for that. Most of us work during the week, so if you want to leave the rat race behind for a spell, it is well worth taking a few days off and adding them to the weekend so that your trip to Lake Balaton won’t feel like it’s gone past in a blur. That way you can have a genuine holiday experience.


Top tip: Make use of the long weekends. They are practically designed for taking a break. Feeling a bit naughty? Why not extend the weekend yourself, take a few days off work and stay on at the campsite, while everyone else is already back at their desks. After a whirl of fantastic activities, you can enjoy some peace and quiet, and have Lake Balaton all to yourselves.


You can book your accommodation online simply, with just a few clicks. You can use your debit or credit card to pay. Remember, even Mondays are amazing by Lake Balaton.