Digital detox at Lake Balaton

Tips from Aranypart Camping & Apartments for digital disconnection

Digital detox at Lake Balaton

Tips from Aranypart Camping & Apartments for digital disconnection

2024. August 28.

digitális detox Balaton Siófok Aranypart Camping & Apartments kemping

Aranypart Camping & Aparatments helps you relax

Digital detox is an increasingly popular form of mindful relaxation, and the shores of Lake Balaton can be the ideal setting for it.

Aranypart Camping & Apartments is a campsite and a resort village with a modern approach, where you have the opportunity to get a little closer to nature and slow down the crazy pace of everyday life, in addition to the many amenities. In our mobile houses and apartments, you can enjoy the comforts of home, but you don’t have to miss out on the classic camping experience.

With a cosy campfire, you can easily get lost in the moment without being sucked in by the screen of your devices. These special evenings are recharging and easily surpass the hours spent scrolling compulsively and staring aimlessly at digital devices.

If you feel that the digital world has robbed you of something really important and you want to get away from the monotony of everyday life as much as possible, you can choose one of our tent pitches or come with a caravan for a little retreat.

The accommodation has everything you need for a pleasant, screen-free stay. We have buffets, a convenience store, a great restaurant and plenty of leisure and sports facilities!

You can splash around in the heated adventure pool, soak up the sunshine and take a break from the constant state of readiness that you need to be in to take advantage of the convenience of the digital world.

The on-site gastronomic services cater for all needs. You’ll find quality food right at the accommodation, so there’s no need to go online or search for restaurants.

The closeness of the waterfront and the comfort of Aranypart Camping & Apartments provide the perfect atmosphere for a screen-free getaway.


digital detox Lake Balaton Siófok Aranypart Camping & Apartments camping


Take a break at Lake Balaton

Our lives are filled with information. Every day we are exposed to more stimuli through our screens than we can possibly process. This digital overload has a similar effect to excessive stress. As well as making our lives easier in many ways and offering many benefits, our gadgets keep us constantly on alert, can cause anxiety, disrupt our rest and have a number of negative effects on our lifestyles and relationships.

Digital detox gives us the opportunity to free ourselves from the pressures of technology and rediscover the tranquility of nature.

Complete digital detox, possibly by temporarily minimising screen time, can help reduce stress and improve overall wellbeing and can contribute to improving our mental and physical health.
Experiences at campsites and resorts and reducing screen time can bring long-term positive effects into your life, helping you to find happiness outside the digital world.

Below, we introduce you to the mysteries of digital detox and give you some tips on how to achieve this challenge with countless positive effects at Aranypart Camping & Apartments.


Mobile Phones OFF – BalatON

Turn off your digital devices

One of the biggest challenges of a screen-free holiday comes the moment you arrive. This is when you have to say goodbye to gadgets for a while. The digital detox can cause some anxiety at first, because our phones and the internet are so much a part of our lives that we don’t realise how vulnerable we feel without them.

When you arrive, simply switch off your phones and laptops and leave them in a safe place. The campsite also has a safe-deposit room where you can place your gadgets.


Seek joy!

At Aranypart Camping & Apartments you will find countless sources of real pleasure. Practice mindful presence, enjoy the quiet calm environment, do yoga, relax on the beach or start writing a handwritten journal of your experiences and feelings during the digital detox.

We often take photos of a beautiful moment with our phones, but it can be overdone. We will probably never look through the tens of thousands of images that we store digitally, but the device often drives a wedge between us and living the moment.

If you want pictures, try analogue photography, it’s a different way of shooting when all you have for a holiday is a roll of film. Analogue images have a unique feel. Their colours depend very much on the film you use in the shoot.


digital detox Lake Balaton Siófok Aranypart Camping & Apartments camping analogue photography


Sport is a great source of pleasure

If you spend your digital detox period at Aranypart Camping & Apartments, you’ll find it easy to keep busy with a wide range of leisure activities. In the campsite and resort village area, you can relax in the heated adventure pool, play mini golf, volleyball, foosball, ping pong or have a game of chess on our mega chess board.


Minimize the equipment you bring too!

Bring only the essentials, so that nothing distracts you from relaxing. It will make your digital detox experience even more special. There are washing machines in the campsite and resort village, so you don’t need too many clothes.

Our mobile houses and apartments come with a well-equipped kitchen, bed linen, towels and comfortable furnishings.


“Slipping up” is natural—don’t give up!

Digital detox doesn’t only work if you cut yourself off from the outside world completely! Don’t set unrealistic expectations for yourself, as this can easily lead to failure. If you slip up a bit, don’t let that discourage you from continuing your digital detox.

Screens are part of our lives and it’s very hard to get away from it. If you find that you have broken your digital detox don’t worry. Simply switch off your devices and continue with your screen-free time!


Digital detox without stress

If you don’t want to cut off communication completely because you have important business to attend to during your screen-free holiday or you want to let people at home know how you are from time to time, you can do so.

Looking at your messages doesn’t mean you have failed your screen-free holiday. Decide in advance when, how much and for what purpose you’ll use your devices, so you can avoid getting sucked in by social media and spending all day scrolling through timelines and short videos.

A holiday is all about relaxation and unwinding, so don’t set yourself unrealistic expectations, even if you’re planning a digital detox.

Minimising and narrowing down digital stimuli will have the same effect. However, some self-discipline is needed here to ensure that you use the tools only when and for as long as you intend, and only for the purpose you have planned.

It can help if you plan ahead and only allow yourself some screen time in specific places and times.


Digital nomads, book a fixed place near WIFI zones!


Would you like to do your work on the shores of Lake Balaton?

While digital detox is a truly offline pastime, for some people it is not always feasible. If you’re a digital nomad and your laptop is your workstation, you may find that you need to get some urgent tasks done on a screen-free holiday.

The key to a digital detox is to minimise mindless browsing, so if you can get one quick task done or catch up on your emails once a day, its not the end of the world.

If you have to work and need stable internet, check the campsite map in advance and book fixed accommodation near the WIFI zones.


What do you need to know about the WIFI zones at Aranypart Camping & Apartments?

Free WiFi is available at Aranypart Camping & Apartments. The strength of the signal is not uniform throughout the campsite and holiday village. The wifi zones with the strongest internet are marked on the map. You can get the map of the Campsite at the campsite reception, so you’ll easily find all the important locations from the start of your holiday without having to look at your phone.

If you would like to book a house or pitch near a wifi zone, you can do so for a fixed booking fee. For more information about the Fixed Booking Fee, please visit our website.

After you are done with your work, turn off the computer and unplug yourselves and head to the shores of Lake Balaton! The campsite and holiday village offers all the essential services on site that contribute to a perfect holiday experience.

It’s not worth wasting your holiday with too much screen time when Lake Balaton and nature are waiting for you with thousands of adventures!


Offline hiking – take your old map with you!

To successfully complete your digital detox, it’s worth preparing a little for the trip. Before you travel, choose the places and destinations you would like to visit during your stay.

Don’t navigate with GPS, but with a traditional map, so you don’t even need to take out your phone!


Experiences in Siófok

In Siófok, you can spontaneously discover iconic places on a light city walk. There are many charming old villas, beautiful parks and you shouldn’t miss the Rose Garden.
The Water Tower is also worth a visit, which has a small café and exhibition space, and a wonderful panoramic view of Lake Balaton from the top.

There are regular cruises from Siófok Harbour, and you can even take a great boat trip in the low season. The smell of Lake Balaton, the soft breeze and the sight of the waves are guaranteed to make you relaxed and help you get back into your natural rhythm, and there’s no signal in the middle of the lake anyway.

Nearby, you’ll also find the Bella Zoo, another great way to connect with nature and wildlife. You can get up close with many species of animals and choose from a wide range of screen-free experiences such as horse riding and camel riding.

You can make a bucket list of attractions in the area and use printed maps and guides to explore the beauty of Lake Balaton freely. Preparation is good not only because it can free you from screen time during your holiday, but also because it makes the programmes really smooth. There’s no uncertainty, no time wasted on information gathering if you write down in advance when the boat you want to get on leaves or when an attraction you want to visit opens.


Book your accommodation online and then head off to relax and unwind!

At Aranypart Camping & Apartments you can book a tent pitch, caravan pitch, mobile house and apartment online. The process is just a few clicks away, so it doesn’t take up too much screen time. You can secure your accommodation by paying the deposit fee, then start planning and preparing for your offline trip. You can pay for your accommodation with a debit card and a credit card.

Embark on a digital detox adventure and head to the shores of Lake Balaton! Give yourself fully to experiences and genuine encounters!